I just returned from a Community Acupuncture training weekend held at Providence Community Acupuncture in Providence, Rhode Island. The training itself was excellent, but what I really came home with was the understanding of what being a Community Acupuncture Network clinic really means. It’s not just our having a sliding scale and treating in a community room. It means that we’re part of a network of clinics who are all trying to do the same thing: bring justice, accessibility, and affordability to healthcare in the United States.
I’ve been telling people for a while now that Many Rivers is one of the 189 community acupuncture clinics in the U.S. (We’re actually number 188; number 189 recently opened in Santa Cruz, CA.) But I didn’t realize how amazing it is to be number 188 until I got together with the other acupuncturists from the New England area. Clinics from all over New England were represented at the training: Manchester NH, Boston MA, Montpelier VT, and more. Many Rivers is one link in this chain of clinics. Each time a new clinic opens, the chain is strengthened.
- It’s a chain of acupuncturists sharing their favorite needling techniques with each other.
- It’s a chain of patients telling their friends and family in other states to visit their local community acupuncture clinics.
- It’s a chain of practitioners and patients who are working together to bring health and peace to their communities, and to empower themselves to take control of their own health.
This weekend, enjoying the company of the other New England community acupuncturists, I realized how privileged I feel to be a part of this network. I’m glad I was able to attend the training to see just how lucky I am to be number 188.